News and Activities Archive

[More recent news and activities can be found on the frontpage]


January 2022: Start as TICRA’s Head of Team of Sales and Marketing.


December 2021: Co-chair of the session Reflector and Reflectarray Antennas III and presentation of the paper “Large European Deployable Reflector: RF Modeling and Measurement Correlation” at the AP-S/URSI Conference.

August 2021: Participation in the course IT Project Management at Teknologisk Institut.

January 2021: Start as TICRA’s Product Lead for Antenna Placement and Scattering and the ESTEAM software.


May 2020: Two co-authored papers, “Design of Ka-band Reflectarray Antennas for High Resolution SAR Instrument” and “Antennas on CubeSat Platforms: Accurate RF Predictions”, contributed to the the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) in Copenhagen.


December 2019: Tonny Rubæk (TICRA) presents two papers (on CubeSats and Reflectarrays) at the Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation.

November 2019: Invited presentation at SDU Faculty of Science PhD seminar.

November 2019: At the ESA ARSI-KEO Workshop, David Marote (Airbus) presents a co-authored paper.

October 2019: At the 40th ESA Antenna Workshop, Cecilia Cappellin (TICRA) presents a paper.

August 2019: Min Zhou (TICRA) presents a paper at the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation.

July 2019: Participation in and invited presentation of the paper “High-Frequency CubeSat Platform Scattering Using Higher-Order Method of Moments” at the AP-S/URSI Conference in Atlanta.

May 2019: Attendance at the Satellite 2019 conference in Washington DC.

April 2019: At the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) in Krakow, Oscar Borries (TICRA) presents a paper.

January 2019: Invited presentation at DTU Physics and Nanotechnology education seminar.


October 2018: At the 39th ESA Antenna Workshop, Cecilia Cappellin (TICRA) presents a paper.

September 2018: Leri Datashvili (LSS) presents a paper at the 3rd international Conference on “Advanced Lightweight Structures and Reflector Antennas”.

July 2018: Participation in and presentation of the paper “Innovative Multi-Feed-Per-Beam Reflector Antenna for Space-Borne Conical-Scan Radiometers” at the AP-S/URSI Conference in Boston.

July 2018: Radu Malureanu presents a paper at the ICTON conference.

June 2018: Start as TICRA’s Product Lead for Mission Planning and Analysis and the SATSOFT software.

April 2018: The article Benchmarking five numerical simulation techniques for computing resonance wavelengths and quality factors in photonic crystal membrane line defect cavities published in Optics Express. [Blog post]

April 2018: Niels Gregersen presents a paper at the OWTNM workshop 2018 and a paper at SPIE Photonics Europe 2018.

April 2018: Participation in and presentation of the paper “Large Deployable Antennas Benchmark for Contoured Beam Mission in C Band” at the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) in London.

April 2018: Presentation to Nanophotonics section at DTU Fotonik.

March 2018: At the 2018 MicroRad meeting, Niels Skou (DTU Space) presents a co-authored paper.

March 2018: Editor and co-author of the book “The Nordic PhD: Surviving and Succeeding” published by Peter Lang Inc.

March 2018: Popular article in DTU Avisen about publishing after leaving academia.

February 2018: Invited talk “Satellites and Space Missions: Large Electromagnetic Simulations and Novel Antenna Concepts” given at the 11th Annual Meeting Photonic Devices in Berlin.


October 2017: At the 38th ESA Antenna Workshop, Cecilia Cappellin (TICRA) and David Marote (Airbus) present co-authored papers.

October 2017: Participation in the European School of Antennas: Reflector and Lens Antennas at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg.

September 2017: The article On the Theory of Coupled Modes in Optical Cavity-Waveguide Structures published in Journal of Lightwave Technology. [Blog post]

August 2017: The article Modeling open nanophotonic systems using the Fourier modal method: generalization to 3D Cartesian coordinates published in JOSA A.

August 2017: A blog post included in the printed version of Ingeniøren.

July 2017: Participation in and presentation of the paper “Advanced Techniques for Grating Lobe Reduction for Large Deployable Mesh Reflector Antennas” at the AP-S/URSI Conference in San Diego.

July 2017: Andrey Novitsky presents a paper at ICTON 2017, and Niels Gregersen presents a paper at NUSOD 2017.

June 2017: Andreas Dyhl Østerkryger presents two papers, on photonic crystal membrane cavities and on open nanophotonic structures, at CLEO Europe 2017.

June 2017: Invited presentation at the annual DTU Fotonik department seminar.

April 2017: Popular scientific presentation given as part of Forskningens Døgn. [Blog post]

April 2017: Two conference papers accepted for the AP-S/URSI Conference to be held in San Diego in July 2017.

April 2017: Andreas Dyhl Østerkryger presents recent work on modeling open nanophotonic structures at the OWTNM workshop 2017.

March 2017: Two co-authored conference papers accepted for CLEO Europe to be held in Munich in June 2017.

March 2017: Participation in and presentation of the paper “Full-Wave and Multi-GTD Analysis of the Ice Cloud Imager for MetOp-SG” at the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) in Paris.


December 2016: The paper “Full-Wave and Multi-GTD Analysis of the Ice Cloud Imager for MetOp-SG” accepted for presentation at the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), to be held in Paris in March 2017.

November 2016: Participation at the 37th ESA Antenna Workshop at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) in Noordwijk. [Blog post]

November 2016: Reviewer for the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), to be held in Paris in March 2017.

September 2016: Participation in the European School of Antennas: Advanced Computational Electromagnetics at Télécom ParisTech in Paris. [Blog post]

July 2016: Three contributions presented by colleagues at the META’16 conference in Malaga.

June 2016: The article Open-geometry Fourier modal method: modeling nanophotonic structures in infinite domains published in JOSA A. [Blog post]

April 2016: The article Spectral symmetry of Fano resonances in a waveguide coupled to a microcavity published in Opt. Lett.

April 2016: Participation in the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) in Davos.

April 2016: Three co-authored conference papers accepted for META’16 to be held in Malaga in July 2016.

March 2016: Participation in the European School of Antennas: Antennas for Space Applications at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) in Noordwijk. [Blog post]

March 2016: Popular notice in DTU Avisen of Ph.D. project.

January 2016: Start as research engineer with the Copenhagen-based tech company TICRA. [Blog post]


December 2015: After more than eight years as student and employee, last day at the Technical University of Denmark and at DTU Fotonik.

December 2015: Ph.D. lecture given, and Ph.D. thesis successfully defended.

December 2015: The article Semianalytical quasi-normal mode theory for the local density of states in coupled photonic crystal cavity-waveguide structures published in Opt. Lett.

November 2015: The article Impact of slow-light enhancement on optical propagation in active semiconductor photonic-crystal waveguides published in Phys. Rev. A.

November 2015: Invited presentation at the conference “Nye forskere og Ph.D-Studerende” in Nyborg.

November 2015: Ph.D. thesis submitted. Defense to take place at DTU Fotonik on December 16, 2015.

July 2015: Participation in PIERS 2015 in Prague. The presentation “Complications in Modeling Open Systems: The Case of Single-Photon Emission in Photonic Crystal Waveguides” given as part of the focus session on “Single Photonics: Integrated Optics for On-chip Manipulation of Single Photons”.

June 2015: Andreas Dyhl Østerkryger presents recent work on the parity of Fano resonances in photonic crystal cavity-waveguide structures at CLEO Europe 2015.

May 2015: One-day visit in and presentation given to the Materials Integration & Nanoscale Devices group, headed by Heike Riel, at IBM Research in Zürich.

April 2015: Popular scientific presentation “Nanofotonik og fotoniske krystaller – Tryllekunster med lys” given as part of Forskningens Døgn.

April 2015: Guest lecture on light propagation in periodic structures in DTU course 34020 Optics and Photonics.

March 2015: Two conference papers, “Design of Slow and Fast Light Photonic Crystal Waveguides for Single-photon Emission Using a Bloch Mode Expansion Technique” (contributed) and “Design and Simulations of Highly Efficient Single-photon Sources” (invited), accepted for PIERS to be held in Prague in July 2015.

January-April 2015: Visiting researcher in the Laboratory of Physics of Nanostructures, headed by Prof. Eli Kapon, at EPFL in Lausanne.


November 2014: The article Calculation, normalization, and perturbation of quasinormal modes in coupled cavity-waveguide systems published in Opt. Lett.

September 2014: The article Roundtrip matrix method for calculating the leaky resonant modes of open nanophotonic structures published in J. Opt. Soc. Am. A.

May 2014: Participation in META’14 in Singapore. The presentation “A Bloch Mode Expansion Approach for Analyzing Quasi-Normal Modes in Open Nanophotonic Structures” given as part of the session on “Analytical and Numerical Modelling”.

May 2014: Three-days visit in the Laboratory of Physics of Nanostructures at EPFL in Lausanne.

April 2014: Popular scientific presentation “Nanofotonik og fotoniske krystaller – Tryllekunster med lys” given as part of Forskningens Døgn.

April 2014: Participation in SPIE Photonics Europe 2014 in Brussels. The presentation “A Bloch Mode Expansion Approach for Analyzing Quasi-Normal Modes in Open Nanophotonic Structures” given in the “Photonic Crystal Cavities” session as part of the “Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices” conference.

March 2014: Guest lecture on light propagation in periodic structures in DTU course 34020 Optics and Photonics.

March 2014: The article Scaling of the Surface Plasmon Resonance in Gold and Silver Dimers Probed by EELS published in J. Phys. Chem C.

January 2014: Conference paper “A Bloch modal approach for engineering waveguide and cavity modes in two-dimensional photonic crystals” accepted for Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices, part of SPIE Photonics Europe 2014 to be held in Brussels in April 2014.

January 2014: Conference paper “A Bloch mode expansion approach for analyzing quasi-normal modes in open nanophotonic structures” accepted for META’14 to be held in Singapore in May 2014.


September 2013: Presentation at intro event for new M.Sc. students in physics and nanotechnology at DTU.

September 2013: Our recent JOSA B article is selected to feature in the September 2013 edition of the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics.

September 2013: Shima Kadkhodazadeh, DTU Cen, presents recent joint work on EELS measurements and optical scattering calculations on silver and gold dimers at EMAG 2013. The measurements and calculations with our multiple-scattering method are used to investigate the scaling of plasmon energies.

August 2013: Participation in the Les Houches summer school on quantum optics and nanophotonics; see the scientific program.

July 2013: Participation as exam marker in the 44th International Physics Olympiad, IPhO 2013, for high school students from across the World, held at DTU.

July 2013: The article Three-dimensional integral equation approach to light scattering, extinction cross sections, local density of states, and quasi-normal modes published in JOSA B.

June 2013: Participation as DTU representative in kick-off meeting of the SIQUTE EU-project on the development of single-photon sources in Braunschweig, Germany.

May-June 2013: Shima Kadkhodazadeh, DTU Cen, presents recent work on EELS measurements on plasmonic dimers at EDGE 2013 and Scandem 2013. The measurements have been compared to calculations with our multiple-scattering method.

April 2013: Participation in summer school on quantum optics and nanophotonics accepted. The school will be held in Les Houches, France, in August 2013.

March 2013: A blog post (in Danish) included in the printed version of Ingeniøren.


October 2012: Participation in TaCoNa-Photonics 2012. Presentation of poster with results from M.Sc. thesis.

October 2012: Start as Ph.D. student at DTU Fotonik. Ph.D. project titled Advanced Simulation Tools for Nanophotonic Devices.

August 2012: M.Sc. thesis successfully defended (slides). M.Sc. Eng. in physics and nanotechnology with GPA of 11.8 of 12.

August 2012: Contribution with results from M.Sc. thesis accepted for TaCoNa-Photonics 2012.

July 2012: M.Sc. thesis submitted.

July 2012: The article Modeling of cavities using the analytic modal method and an open geometry formalism published in JOSA A.

ESA ARSI-KEO Workshop (November 2019)

AP-S/URSI conference (July 2019) 

Satellite 2019 (May 2019) 

EuCAP conference (April 2019) 

AP-S/URSI conference (July 2018) 

Opt. Express 26, 11366-11392 (2018)

EuCAP conference (April 2018) 

Presentation at DTU Fotonik (April 2018)

The book 'The Nordic PhD: Surviving and Succeeding' published (March 2018)

European School of Antennas at Chalmers University of Technology (October 2017)

J. Lightwave Technol. 35, 4247-4259 (2017)

J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 34, 1632-1641 (2017)

Blog post in printed version of Ingeniøren (August 2017)

AP-S/URSI Conference in San Diego (July 2017)

Invited presentation at DTU Fotonik department seminar (June 2017)

Forskningens Døgn 2017 presentation

EuCAP conference (March 2017)

37th ESA Antenna Workshop at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) (November 2016)

European School of Antennas at Télécom ParisTech (September 2016)

Co-author at META'16 conference (July 2016)

J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 33, 1298-1306 (2016)

Opt. Lett. 41, 2065-2068 (2016)

EuCAP conference (April 2016)

European School of Antennas: Antennas for Space Applications at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (March 2016)

Popular notice in DTU Avisen of Ph.D. project (March 2016)

New job with TICRA (January 2016)

Ph.D. defense at DTU Fotonik (December 2015)

Opt. Lett. 40, 5790-5793 (2015)

Phys. Rev. A 92, 053839 (2015)

Ph.D. thesis submitted (November 2015)

Conference presentation given at PIERS (July 2015)

Joint work presented at CLEO Europe (June 2015)

One-day visit at IBM Research in Zürich (May 2015)

Popular scientific presentation at Forskningens Døgn (April 2015)

Guest lecture on light propagation in periodic structures in DTU course 34020 Optics and Photonics (April 2015)

Two contributions accepted for PIERS 2015 (March 2015)

Three-days visit in the LPN at EPFL (May 2014)

Opt. Lett. 39, 6359-6362 (2014)

J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 31, 2142−2151 (2014)

Presentation given at the META'14 conference, held in Singapore in May 2014

Three-days visit in the LPN at EPFL (May 2014)

Popular scientific presentation given at Forskningens Døgn (April 2014)

Participation in and presentation at SPIE Photonics Europe 2014 (April 2014)

J. Phys. Chem. C 118, 5478−5485 (2014)

Les Houches summer school (August 2013)

Participation as exam marker in the 44th International Physics Olympiad, IPhO 2013 (July 2013)

J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 30, 1996-2007 (2013)

Blog post in printed version of Ingeniøren (March 2013)

Poster presentation at TaCoNa-Photonics (October 2012)

M.Sc. thesis defense (August 2012)