News and Activities Archive
[More recent news and activities can be found on the frontpage]
January 2022: Start as TICRA’s Head of Team of Sales and Marketing.
December 2021: Co-chair of the session Reflector and Reflectarray Antennas III and presentation of the paper “Large European Deployable Reflector: RF Modeling and Measurement Correlation” at the AP-S/URSI Conference.
August 2021: Participation in the course IT Project Management at Teknologisk Institut.
January 2021: Start as TICRA’s Product Lead for Antenna Placement and Scattering and the ESTEAM software.
May 2020: Two co-authored papers, “Design of Ka-band Reflectarray Antennas for High Resolution SAR Instrument” and “Antennas on CubeSat Platforms: Accurate RF Predictions”, contributed to the the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) in Copenhagen.
December 2019: Tonny Rubæk (TICRA) presents two papers (on CubeSats and Reflectarrays) at the Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation.
November 2019: Invited presentation at SDU Faculty of Science PhD seminar.
November 2019: At the ESA ARSI-KEO Workshop, David Marote (Airbus) presents a co-authored paper.
October 2019: At the 40th ESA Antenna Workshop, Cecilia Cappellin (TICRA) presents a paper.
August 2019: Min Zhou (TICRA) presents a paper at the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation.
July 2019: Participation in and invited presentation of the paper “High-Frequency CubeSat Platform Scattering Using Higher-Order Method of Moments” at the AP-S/URSI Conference in Atlanta.
May 2019: Attendance at the Satellite 2019 conference in Washington DC.
April 2019: At the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) in Krakow, Oscar Borries (TICRA) presents a paper.
January 2019: Invited presentation at DTU Physics and Nanotechnology education seminar.
October 2018: At the 39th ESA Antenna Workshop, Cecilia Cappellin (TICRA) presents a paper.
September 2018: Leri Datashvili (LSS) presents a paper at the 3rd international Conference on “Advanced Lightweight Structures and Reflector Antennas”.
July 2018: Participation in and presentation of the paper “Innovative Multi-Feed-Per-Beam Reflector Antenna for Space-Borne Conical-Scan Radiometers” at the AP-S/URSI Conference in Boston.
July 2018: Radu Malureanu presents a paper at the ICTON conference.
June 2018: Start as TICRA’s Product Lead for Mission Planning and Analysis and the SATSOFT software.
April 2018: The article Benchmarking five numerical simulation techniques for computing resonance wavelengths and quality factors in photonic crystal membrane line defect cavities published in Optics Express. [Blog post]
April 2018: Niels Gregersen presents a paper at the OWTNM workshop 2018 and a paper at SPIE Photonics Europe 2018.
April 2018: Participation in and presentation of the paper “Large Deployable Antennas Benchmark for Contoured Beam Mission in C Band” at the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) in London.
April 2018: Presentation to Nanophotonics section at DTU Fotonik.
March 2018: At the 2018 MicroRad meeting, Niels Skou (DTU Space) presents a co-authored paper.
March 2018: Editor and co-author of the book “The Nordic PhD: Surviving and Succeeding” published by Peter Lang Inc.
March 2018: Popular article in DTU Avisen about publishing after leaving academia.
February 2018: Invited talk “Satellites and Space Missions: Large Electromagnetic Simulations and Novel Antenna Concepts” given at the 11th Annual Meeting Photonic Devices in Berlin.
October 2017: At the 38th ESA Antenna Workshop, Cecilia Cappellin (TICRA) and David Marote (Airbus) present co-authored papers.
October 2017: Participation in the European School of Antennas: Reflector and Lens Antennas at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg.
September 2017: The article On the Theory of Coupled Modes in Optical Cavity-Waveguide Structures published in Journal of Lightwave Technology. [Blog post]
August 2017: The article Modeling open nanophotonic systems using the Fourier modal method: generalization to 3D Cartesian coordinates published in JOSA A.
August 2017: A blog post included in the printed version of Ingeniøren.
July 2017: Participation in and presentation of the paper “Advanced Techniques for Grating Lobe Reduction for Large Deployable Mesh Reflector Antennas” at the AP-S/URSI Conference in San Diego.
July 2017: Andrey Novitsky presents a paper at ICTON 2017, and Niels Gregersen presents a paper at NUSOD 2017.
June 2017: Andreas Dyhl Østerkryger presents two papers, on photonic crystal membrane cavities and on open nanophotonic structures, at CLEO Europe 2017.
June 2017: Invited presentation at the annual DTU Fotonik department seminar.
April 2017: Popular scientific presentation given as part of Forskningens Døgn. [Blog post]
April 2017: Two conference papers accepted for the AP-S/URSI Conference to be held in San Diego in July 2017.
April 2017: Andreas Dyhl Østerkryger presents recent work on modeling open nanophotonic structures at the OWTNM workshop 2017.
March 2017: Two co-authored conference papers accepted for CLEO Europe to be held in Munich in June 2017.
March 2017: Participation in and presentation of the paper “Full-Wave and Multi-GTD Analysis of the Ice Cloud Imager for MetOp-SG” at the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) in Paris.
December 2016: The paper “Full-Wave and Multi-GTD Analysis of the Ice Cloud Imager for MetOp-SG” accepted for presentation at the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), to be held in Paris in March 2017.
November 2016: Participation at the 37th ESA Antenna Workshop at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) in Noordwijk. [Blog post]
November 2016: Reviewer for the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), to be held in Paris in March 2017.
September 2016: Participation in the European School of Antennas: Advanced Computational Electromagnetics at Télécom ParisTech in Paris. [Blog post]
July 2016: Three contributions presented by colleagues at the META’16 conference in Malaga.
June 2016: The article Open-geometry Fourier modal method: modeling nanophotonic structures in infinite domains published in JOSA A. [Blog post]
April 2016: The article Spectral symmetry of Fano resonances in a waveguide coupled to a microcavity published in Opt. Lett.
April 2016: Participation in the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) in Davos.
April 2016: Three co-authored conference papers accepted for META’16 to be held in Malaga in July 2016.
March 2016: Participation in the European School of Antennas: Antennas for Space Applications at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) in Noordwijk. [Blog post]
March 2016: Popular notice in DTU Avisen of Ph.D. project.
January 2016: Start as research engineer with the Copenhagen-based tech company TICRA. [Blog post]
December 2015: After more than eight years as student and employee, last day at the Technical University of Denmark and at DTU Fotonik.
December 2015: Ph.D. lecture given, and Ph.D. thesis successfully defended.
December 2015: The article Semianalytical quasi-normal mode theory for the local density of states in coupled photonic crystal cavity-waveguide structures published in Opt. Lett.
November 2015: The article Impact of slow-light enhancement on optical propagation in active semiconductor photonic-crystal waveguides published in Phys. Rev. A.
November 2015: Invited presentation at the conference “Nye forskere og Ph.D-Studerende” in Nyborg.
November 2015: Ph.D. thesis submitted. Defense to take place at DTU Fotonik on December 16, 2015.
July 2015: Participation in PIERS 2015 in Prague. The presentation “Complications in Modeling Open Systems: The Case of Single-Photon Emission in Photonic Crystal Waveguides” given as part of the focus session on “Single Photonics: Integrated Optics for On-chip Manipulation of Single Photons”.
June 2015: Andreas Dyhl Østerkryger presents recent work on the parity of Fano resonances in photonic crystal cavity-waveguide structures at CLEO Europe 2015.
May 2015: One-day visit in and presentation given to the Materials Integration & Nanoscale Devices group, headed by Heike Riel, at IBM Research in Zürich.
April 2015: Popular scientific presentation “Nanofotonik og fotoniske krystaller – Tryllekunster med lys” given as part of Forskningens Døgn.
April 2015: Guest lecture on light propagation in periodic structures in DTU course 34020 Optics and Photonics.
March 2015: Two conference papers, “Design of Slow and Fast Light Photonic Crystal Waveguides for Single-photon Emission Using a Bloch Mode Expansion Technique” (contributed) and “Design and Simulations of Highly Efficient Single-photon Sources” (invited), accepted for PIERS to be held in Prague in July 2015.
January-April 2015: Visiting researcher in the Laboratory of Physics of Nanostructures, headed by Prof. Eli Kapon, at EPFL in Lausanne.
November 2014: The article Calculation, normalization, and perturbation of quasinormal modes in coupled cavity-waveguide systems published in Opt. Lett.
September 2014: The article Roundtrip matrix method for calculating the leaky resonant modes of open nanophotonic structures published in J. Opt. Soc. Am. A.
May 2014: Participation in META’14 in Singapore. The presentation “A Bloch Mode Expansion Approach for Analyzing Quasi-Normal Modes in Open Nanophotonic Structures” given as part of the session on “Analytical and Numerical Modelling”.
May 2014: Three-days visit in the Laboratory of Physics of Nanostructures at EPFL in Lausanne.
April 2014: Popular scientific presentation “Nanofotonik og fotoniske krystaller – Tryllekunster med lys” given as part of Forskningens Døgn.
April 2014: Participation in SPIE Photonics Europe 2014 in Brussels. The presentation “A Bloch Mode Expansion Approach for Analyzing Quasi-Normal Modes in Open Nanophotonic Structures” given in the “Photonic Crystal Cavities” session as part of the “Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices” conference.
March 2014: Guest lecture on light propagation in periodic structures in DTU course 34020 Optics and Photonics.
March 2014: The article Scaling of the Surface Plasmon Resonance in Gold and Silver Dimers Probed by EELS published in J. Phys. Chem C.
January 2014: Conference paper “A Bloch modal approach for engineering waveguide and cavity modes in two-dimensional photonic crystals” accepted for Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices, part of SPIE Photonics Europe 2014 to be held in Brussels in April 2014.
January 2014: Conference paper “A Bloch mode expansion approach for analyzing quasi-normal modes in open nanophotonic structures” accepted for META’14 to be held in Singapore in May 2014.
September 2013: Presentation at intro event for new M.Sc. students in physics and nanotechnology at DTU.
September 2013: Our recent JOSA B article is selected to feature in the September 2013 edition of the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics.
September 2013: Shima Kadkhodazadeh, DTU Cen, presents recent joint work on EELS measurements and optical scattering calculations on silver and gold dimers at EMAG 2013. The measurements and calculations with our multiple-scattering method are used to investigate the scaling of plasmon energies.
August 2013: Participation in the Les Houches summer school on quantum optics and nanophotonics; see the scientific program.
July 2013: Participation as exam marker in the 44th International Physics Olympiad, IPhO 2013, for high school students from across the World, held at DTU.
July 2013: The article Three-dimensional integral equation approach to light scattering, extinction cross sections, local density of states, and quasi-normal modes published in JOSA B.
June 2013: Participation as DTU representative in kick-off meeting of the SIQUTE EU-project on the development of single-photon sources in Braunschweig, Germany.
May-June 2013: Shima Kadkhodazadeh, DTU Cen, presents recent work on EELS measurements on plasmonic dimers at EDGE 2013 and Scandem 2013. The measurements have been compared to calculations with our multiple-scattering method.
April 2013: Participation in summer school on quantum optics and nanophotonics accepted. The school will be held in Les Houches, France, in August 2013.
March 2013: A blog post (in Danish) included in the printed version of Ingeniøren.
October 2012: Participation in TaCoNa-Photonics 2012. Presentation of poster with results from M.Sc. thesis.
October 2012: Start as Ph.D. student at DTU Fotonik. Ph.D. project titled Advanced Simulation Tools for Nanophotonic Devices.
August 2012: M.Sc. thesis successfully defended (slides). M.Sc. Eng. in physics and nanotechnology with GPA of 11.8 of 12.
August 2012: Contribution with results from M.Sc. thesis accepted for TaCoNa-Photonics 2012.
July 2012: M.Sc. thesis submitted.
July 2012: The article Modeling of cavities using the analytic modal method and an open geometry formalism published in JOSA A.